Tanda tanda

Backup ke Synology NAS dengan DSM 7.0-41890 gagal dengan eror :

The credentials for location are not specified

Error code: 10092557

Fields: {"$module":"disk_bundle_vsa64_27305","path":"\\\\192.168.x.x\\backup\\"}

Message: Location is not available.


Error code: 262164

Fields: {"$module":"disk_bundle_vsa64_27305","function":"NtOpenFile","path":"\\\\?\\UNC\\192.168.x.x\\backup\\"}

Message: Access to the file is denied.


Error code: 65520

Fields: {"$module":"disk_bundle_vsa64_27305","code":2147943726}

Message: The username or password is incorrect.


Otentikasi NTLMv1 dinonaktifkan secara default di DSM 7.0-41890. (see DSM release notes)


Aktifkan otentikasi NTLMv1 di NAS: buka DSM  Control Panel > File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings > Others dan centang Enable NTLMv1 authentication .